0.702.2015 Hääl, mis vibreeris ja kumas (silver)

Sacred caves
Unes olin kirikulaadses, lossisaalilaadses, koobassaalilaadses kohas, kus olid seinaorvadesse suhteliselt suured, massiivsed kellad (arvan, et hõbedased) riputatud.

Ma pidin häält tegema. alguses ei saanud õiget tooni, taset kätte, siis...Tegin häält, mis tuli kurgupõhjast (nagu Universumi põhitoon vms) ja kumises rinna seest ning pani kogu keha kaasa helisema.

See heli laienes ruumis, ning selle kõla pani helisema ka need kellad ning selle saali..

Võtsin minu läheduses, püstakult, altarilt suure kamaka hõbedat käte vahele. Tegin jätkuvalt helisev-kumisevat häält edasi ning panin tähele kuidas see hõbedakamakas, minu käte juurest hakkas helendama ning vibreerima. See helendus laienes kuni kogu kamakas oli valge ning kiirgas valgust, mis oli punakaskollakas, soe.

Panin hõbedakamaka käest ja peatasin ka hääle. Nägin, tundsin ja kuulsin kuidas kumin, vibratsioon ning valgus tasahaaval kuhtus.

Minu ümber seisid pikkades, kapuutsidega hõlstides mehed, nagu mungad või nagu millegi loojad, loomise ootajad. Nad vaatasid mind rahulikult, ootuses, vaatluses, mida edasi teen.

Mullle tundub, meenub, et lasksin seda häält enesest paar, kolm korda.

Ei mäleta, mis selle tegemise põhjus või põhjendus oli... aga see tundus nagu millegi kujundamiseks, loomiseks, täitmiseks, vormimiseks vajalik.

Tundsin unes (vbl olla ka ärgates) seda jätkuvat surinat kätes, mis hõbedakamakat laadis.

Siit lehtedelt leidsin üllatavat:

Hõbeda kohta:

For Beltane, I chose to concentrate on two very precious metals with which we have had an ongoing love affair throughout time.  And while they each compliment the other, each are entwined in our most ancient psyche as true representations of the masculine and feminine ~ Gold and Silver.  It is no wonder our ancestors chose these two long-lasting, valuable and highly-prized precious metals to associate with the Lord and Lady.  They are the Lord and Lady of the metallic mineral kingdom! 

Ancient teachings and modern science agree: you, I, all living things, all things in existence are made up at their most essential level of vibrating, pulsing energy.

For millennia, mystics have recounted their experience of this energy, which is said to manifest in our hearing awareness as a humming vibration around and within everything else.

So, sound that is not made of two things striking together is the sound of primal energy, the sound of the universe itself. 

And the ancients say that the audible sound which most resembles this unstruck sound is the syllable OM.



...The edifices raised by the Dionysiac Builders were indeed "sermons in stone." Though unable to comprehend fully the cosmic principles thus embodied in these masterpieces of human ingenuity and industry, even the uninitiated were invariably overwhelmed by the sense of majesty and symmetry resulting from the perfect coordination of pillars, spans, arches, and domes. 

By variations in the details of size, material, type, arrangement, ornamentation, and color, these inspired builders believed it possible to provoke in the nature of the onlooker certain distinct mental or emotional reactions. Vitruvius, for example, describes the disposition of bronze vases about a room so as to produce certain definite changes in the tone and quality of the human voice. 

In like manner, each chamber in the Mysteries through which the candidate passed had its own peculiar acoustics. Thus in one chamber the voice of the priest was amplified until his words caused the very room to vibrate, while in another the voice was diminished and softened to such a degree that it sounded like the distant tinkling of silver bells. 

Again, in some of the underground passageways the candidate was apparently bereft of the power of speech, for though he shouted at the top of his voice not even a whisper was audible to his ears. After progressing a few feet, however, he would discover that his softest sigh would be reechoed a hundred times....

The supreme ambition of the Dionysiac Architects was the construction of buildings which would create distinct impressions consistent with the purpose for which the structure itself was designed. In common with the Pythagoreans, they believed it possible by combinations of straight lines and curves to induce any desired mental attitude or emotion. They labored, therefore, to the end of producing a building perfectly harmonious with the structure of the universe itself. They may have even believed that an edifice so constructed because it was in no respect at variance with any existing reality would not be subject to dissolution but would endure throughout the span of mortal time. As a logical deduction from their philosophic trend of thought, such a building--en rapport with Cosmos--would also have become an oracle. Certain early works on magical philosophy hint that the Ark of the Covenant was oracular in character because of specially prepared chambers in its interior. These by their shape and arrangement were so attuned to the vibrations of the invisible world that they caught and amplified the voices of the ages imprinted upon and eternally existent in the substance of the astral light.

Veel hääli kosmosest:
