I m, you know... (Secret) 07.01.2020

I am
you know
I am...

this body

someone said, well you know.. this is not you! well then what it is? It's gonna fade away.. rule it is.. well I have buried my father as mother.. what else can be said?
I have learned,
there is a service -
Karma service -
to gain on you,
so is there

what else? however, there is this incarnation, there is this Karma-shit... not saying that you can harm and play... yet you are just within you... how that can be?

or that can be! - you are the ruler in your  Universe and then all of the sudden there is this Karma-shit - someone justifies what is right-wrong in YOUR Universe, where you are THE RULER. might be this of road becoming the ONE, THE ONE that sees the painting of all that is alive, that is you and besides some more?

One, One, One, One.. in me, eveywhere... this One.

there is Multiverse and YOU, you is the appearance that at first is just a meaningless blow of wind that passes you. but Wind has its ways that are unknown to you.

so, you might find that you are just a little tiny seed having a dream of becoming the tree.. that is forever...!?

the seed .. have you ever thought of seed... I mean, it is potential.. someone has compared it with human life, .. the seed - it is like a man asleep, full of potential...

and it lays on the rock.

I have never thought of seed, of an egg of an life to begin...  can you imagine... you are there, YOU, I mean YOUUUUUUU. full of comfort, full of laughter, care..    ... ..


and then you have to  come out, become awake... become the life bearer.?

this is it!

there is it!

you cease to exist. there is no green leafe to you, not at all. how dreadful that is!?

the only thing, just only!  your soil of parents does have a meaning, have a soil for fruits indeed.

or you are bearer
of Life
and your parents
were just
giving you
what was meant...

and that is Just!
because IT is
because it does
not give a shit.!
